I've just read Mick's book. I didn't want it to end.
My reaction when I finished it was to hug the book for ages, hug the words.
Had a bit of an odd moment, too. I had "Exorcising Ghosts" on the mp3 player. Somehow at the exact point where Mick is talking about "Life without Buildings" in the book, the track being played was the very one!
I couldn't have organised that myself, and the book is not chronologically written. I had put the book away for the afternoon because I was waiting to be picked up by my boyfriend. Then he became late so I picked it up again, then it happened.
People say that Mick was very bitter all the time about what happened in Japan, but interspersed with all that is him trying to see things from both sides, making excuses for everyone involved. I wish I had known him.
God bless your family! Tahnk you for your music!!
Fernando Santos
Mick estejas onde estiveres serás sempre o meu baixista favorito. Soube da tua partida em 2011 e só hoje descobri este teu portal. Segui desde muito novo os Japan e posteriormente toda a obra. Lamento nunca te ter visto ao vivo. Até sempre.
Dear Mick,
How can I forget the day I lost you. It must have been so tough for your family to overcome the seventh year of your death. Forgive me to send my belated condolonces. RIP, Mick.
Andrea Pucci
Sei sempre nella mia memoria, grande bassista! R.I.P.
Chris Moon
Thinking of Mick and reflecting on his wonderful art, be it music or sculpture .....forever in our hearts x
I did a song for Mick. Hope you like it:
Stanotte ti ho sognato.
Ho sognato che eri il mio insegnante di scultura e controllavi i miei lavori in creta, compreso il tuo ritratto che ho realizzato. Era strano perchè tutti pensano che tu non ci sia più tra noi.. ma nel sogno tu eri li, sorridente e stranamente tranquillo. Abbiamo chiacchierato qualche ora e poi.. mi sono svegliata.
Quanto avrei desiderato conoscerti... vederti realmente e poter parlare con te.
Purtroppo sono molto giovane e non sono nata nei tuoi stessi anni da poter venire ad un tuo concerto..
Grazie a te trovo l'ispirazione per suonare e migliorare sempre di più con il mio sax baritono..raggiungere vette che non avrei mai pensato di varcare data la mia insicurezza.
Ti ringrazio, Eleonora.
Happy Birthday Mick! 大好き
Emma Brining
Happy Birthday to Mick on what would have been his 58th birthday.
Last night, members of the Nightporter and Japan FB groups gathered at the Retro Club to hear an October Gallery / Penguin Cafe instrumental last heard 35 years ago kindly shared by Richard Barbieri with Paul Rymer in memory of Mick Karn.
Pascal Bougeard
Bonjour, à signaler un bel hommage de METRONOMY sur son dernier album avec le titre "Mick slow".
J'ai tout de suite été attiré par le velouté inimitable de la basse de Mick KARN.
Steve O'Sullivan
I went to see Japan three times and was wowed by their technical ability and beautiful songs. Mick's bass playing was truly unique - his style (I now realise) being influenced by his early childhood and his classical training.
I also went along to his sculpture exhibition at Hamilton's Gallery and was truly impressed by his work. It was a real pleasure for me to be a part of the Japan wave of popularity when I was a teenager and my favourite moment was the gig at The Lyceum in the Strand.
Elias Laurent
Remembering Mick this past week and his brilliant cover of David's Ashes to Ashes.
In my dream they are somewhere finally getting to play together.
How can Mick ever leave my memory, his bass lines come to me randomly bubbling up in my
brain, making me sing them, or his songs, and dance a little private shuffle when I need a little
personal moment of arty cheering up or celebrating.
What a profound artist. Love to all lovers of Mick, and his family and tribe.
Luca Pradelli
Era da molto tempo che non ti ascoltavo più ......................e questa sera sei arrivato all'improvviso.